From Booking Through Thursday:
Okay, there must be something you read that's a guilty pleasure . . . a Harlequin romance stashed under the mattress. A cheesy sci-fi book tucked in the back of the freezer. A celebrity biography, a phoned-in Western . . . something that you'd really rather not be spotted reading. Even just a novel if you're a die-hard non-fiction fan. Come on, confess. We won't hold it against you!
Deep breath, ok here it goes - does this mean BiblioAddict's going to loose what few readers it has? oh, man! - my guilty reading pleasure is....
cheesy, very cheesy, so cheesy it could decorate a Domino's ultimate cheese pizza (do they even sell those?) romance literature. Do you know the horrible historical romance novels with a long-haired, pouty-lipped woman bent over the brawny arm of a warrior (or pirate) muscular god on the glossy cover? Yeah, those romance novels. What can I say? It's a remnant of the teenage girl I used to be who walked around with hearts in her eyes, waiting for her version of Fabio to swoop in, save her from her drab unromantic life, and carry her off into happily ever-after.
I confess, I'm a little less naive than I was back then but I'm still a hopless romantic so I periodically spend at least one afternoon a month gobbling a romance novel. I don't read those in public anymore. The feeling of respect being sucked out of a room once they get a glimpse of what I'm reading is highly palpable (or it could be my defensive imagination). I have to keep myself from childishly yelling, "But I read smart stuff too!" So now I've reverted to reading my "trash" in the judgment-free comfort of my own home...where I can hide the evidence when I have company. ; ) Alright, well that's enough of my guilty pleasures! What about yours?
I did a post some time ago on my guilty pleasures and had to confess my undying love for Jilly Cooper and Louise Bagshawe! I'm sorry, but you just can't beat Cooper's Polo or Riders - I've lost count of how many times I've reread them.
Ok, here guilty pleasure is the romance novel, too, but a specific type--the Regency Romance. When I was a kid I couldn't get enough of Jane Austen, and there just isn't much, so I moved on to Georgette Heyer, who wrote a million of 'em. Then when I got through those, I moved on to the more modern versions. These make me laugh because the amount of sex in them just doesn't go with the highly mannered, polite society they're describing! And I only read them at home, too!
You beat me to it! I was going to write a post like this today! Oh well... My guilty pleasure is science fiction and fantasy. When I read one on the commuter train I usually end up hiding the cover. Some of them are even well regarded by critics but I still feel guilty for some reason.
Ah, the romance novel--it's definitely my "guilty" genre, too. I don't read as many pure romance novels as I used to, but stories with a romantic thread are almost always appealing to me.
I used to read Harlequin Romances for a number of years. But eventually they all began runniong into each other - same storyline, same conflict - only the names & locations were different. Eventually I stopped reading them. Same does with Danielle Steele. I used to read hers, but stopped for the same reason.
I'm with you there Historia. Some romance novels do have the tendency to repeat themselves over and over again. Sometimes I get to the point where I'm wondering, "Now why exactly did I spend $7.00 on a book I basically already have, again?" But, I admit it, it's a sickness because no sooner am I finished saying that, am I running out to buy another.
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